Category: Grace

  • Reflections on Good Friday

    Reflections on Good Friday

    Introduction Good Friday is a day of great meaning for Christians worldwide, marking the pivotal moment in the history when Jesus Christ willingly suffered and died on the cross for the sins of humanity. This recognition of this solemn occasion, observed as a time of reflection, gratitude, and reverence, dates back to at least the…

  • Twelve Things That Will Surprise You About Christmas

    Twelve Things That Will Surprise You About Christmas

    A popular Christmas song you might hear during the season would be the twelve days of Christmas.  You know the one – “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…”  Let me change this up just a little this year as I present the twelve things people generally get wrong about…

  • Why Become a Christian

    Why Become a Christian

    Life is punctuated by countless decisions, yet few compare in weight and profound significance to choosing a spiritual path. As we navigate life’s ebbs and flows, we often confront an intrinsic yearning—a universal search for deeper meaning, purpose, and a connection beyond our earthly lives’ transience. Every individual, at some point, grapples with existential questions.…

  • Why the Doctrine of Hell Matters

    Why the Doctrine of Hell Matters

    The Gospel is a rich tapestry of God’s love, hope, and a call to reconciliation. While it predominantly resonates with His grace, it also makes clear His sovereign judgement. A Just and Holy God will, by definition, judge the unrighteousness of man. The doctrine of Hell is a core component of this truth, challenging yet…