Month: October 2023

  • The Church in Perilous Times

    The Church in Perilous Times

    Maintaining Godly Standards Amid Cultural Decay In the Christian West we stand at a crossroads. We are watching hundreds of churches leave the United Methodists and others grapple with the inroads that modern culture is making in traditional Christendom. Christian standards are under attack amid todays rampant cultural decay. What are we to do as…

  • Five Lessons from David and Goliath

    Five Lessons from David and Goliath

    No Armor Required What lessons can the story of David and Goliath tell us? Sure – this is a commonly known Bible story. I first learned it when in grade school as my Sunday school teacher put pictures of David and Goliath up on a flannel board (do you remember those). Of course this is…

  • Why the Doctrine of Hell Matters

    Why the Doctrine of Hell Matters

    The Gospel is a rich tapestry of God’s love, hope, and a call to reconciliation. While it predominantly resonates with His grace, it also makes clear His sovereign judgement. A Just and Holy God will, by definition, judge the unrighteousness of man. The doctrine of Hell is a core component of this truth, challenging yet…