Author: Brad Moore
God Speaks Through His Word
Understanding the Divine Inspiration of Scripture The Bible was written over a span of 1500 years and has approximately 40 authors. It is comprised of two primary segments – the Old Testament, a collection of 39 books of varied genres from historical accounts to poetry, and the New Testament, an assemblage of 27 books primarily documenting…
How Can God Condemn Good People to Hell?
This is a question that many people wrestle with. If God is good, how can he justify sending good people to hell? The answer to this question really lies in how we understand the goodness of God and the nature of man’s own heart.
Why Become a Christian
Life is punctuated by countless decisions, yet few compare in weight and profound significance to choosing a spiritual path. As we navigate life’s ebbs and flows, we often confront an intrinsic yearning—a universal search for deeper meaning, purpose, and a connection beyond our earthly lives’ transience. Every individual, at some point, grapples with existential questions.…
How to Become a Christian
Introduction A Christian is someone who follows Christ. The term ‘Christian’ literally means “Little Christ” and was used to describe Christ followers in the first century. Acts 11 tells us that in Antioch, after Barnabas and Paul taught the disciples for about a year, people started calling them Christians. To become a Christian, you only…
The Church at The End of The Age
Is the Western Church the Church of Laodicea Spoken of in Revelations? The book of Revelation is a mysterious and challenging book to be sure. In it God reveals what His wrath against the unbelieving world will look like at the end of the age. Fortunately, it is not written to scare or worry those…
The Church in Perilous Times
Maintaining Godly Standards Amid Cultural Decay In the Christian West we stand at a crossroads. We are watching hundreds of churches leave the United Methodists and others grapple with the inroads that modern culture is making in traditional Christendom. Christian standards are under attack amid todays rampant cultural decay. What are we to do as…
Five Lessons from David and Goliath
No Armor Required What lessons can the story of David and Goliath tell us? Sure – this is a commonly known Bible story. I first learned it when in grade school as my Sunday school teacher put pictures of David and Goliath up on a flannel board (do you remember those). Of course this is…
Why the Doctrine of Hell Matters
The Gospel is a rich tapestry of God’s love, hope, and a call to reconciliation. While it predominantly resonates with His grace, it also makes clear His sovereign judgement. A Just and Holy God will, by definition, judge the unrighteousness of man. The doctrine of Hell is a core component of this truth, challenging yet…
What is the Gospel and Why It Matter
“What is the gospel?” This question is at very heartbeat of the Christian faith. The word “gospel” literally means “Good News”. To understand the gospel is to grasp and believe the narrative of redemption, and the symphony of grace and love that God extends through the work of His Son. Understanding is just the beginning;…
Be an Approved Workmen of Christ
Approved Workmen are not Ashamed – 2 Timothy 2:15 Immersion in the Word of God should play an essential role in the life of the believer. The Psalmist, in Psalm 119:105, declares that “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” The Bible is not merely a book to…
Exploring The Sinner’s Prayer and Genuine Faith
The “sinner’s prayer” emerges quietly in one’s heart when a person fully realizes their sinful nature and need for a Savior. Simply saying this prayer does not automatically fix our brokenness with God. Rather, the essence of the prayer is a heartfelt confession of sin and an earnest desire for God’s redemptive grace and salvation…
Why Foundational Knowledge in Christ Matters
I recently read a News article published by the Religious News Service titled ‘Is this when we disappear?’ Rapture triggers haunt the Left Behind generation, April 17, 2023 by Kathryn Post. It has left me concerned and worried about what has the church been teaching regarding the concept of the Rapture. How are we being taught to…